I Love Writing But Right Now It’s Pretty Depressing
The act of writing is excruciating but trying to make it in the writing industry is also excruciating
I reinstalled Twitter on my phone and now my search history on this godforsaken app only consists of “Medium buyout.” Every day I check back in to see who else will be leaving Medium next week as a result of Ev Williams’ bombshell of an email. Gut-wrenching doesn’t even begin to describe how it feels to watch the editorial team slowly bleed out of my favorite writing and journalistic platform on the internet.
I’m biased, of course. My writing was born right here on this platform. Medium helped me dive straight into the uncharted waters of self-publishing and ignited my passion for writing. I like to think my devotion to the written word was there the whole time, and that it just needed “a little push,” as the Joker says. But every once in a while I wonder if this push was good for me. See, I got addicted to the positive feedback I’d receive when I’d write a good story — the validation would just go straight to my veins. I would daydream about some editors of big publications reading my work and fighting tooth and nail for the privilege to hire me. They wouldn’t even ask me what I want to write about! “Don’t even tell me what your beat is,” they’d say, “just write…